Monthly newsletter for July from Patrik Garten, our ward councillor

Patrik writes a regular column in his own inimitable style! He is a great supporter of Wormshill and has funded new water heaters to the village hall. Read all about what he and MBC have been doing in his download.

Download “councillor-column-190630-General-release-1.doc” councillor-column-190630-General-release-1.doc – Downloaded 1849 times – 57.50 KB

Chicken Farm refused planning permission

The application to build a chicken farm and associated mobile home has been refused on two grounds:ropr

  • Inappropriate development in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
  • failure to demonstrate how ammonia emissions from this development would be insignificant in areas of ancient woodland nearby

Full details are here:-

Hopefully this is the last we will hear of it but we must remain vigilant in case there is another submission.

Kent Rural Police update – May 2019

Here is the latest report of the rural police team, who have clearly been very busy catching local ne’r do wells…

Download “CRAG-report-100519.pdf” CRAG-report-100519.pdf – Downloaded 668 times – 3.18 MB

Shellina Prendergast annual report – 18/19

Here is a Shellina’s review of Kent County Council for 2018/19. She is our county councillor and a good supporter of the village.

Download “SHELLINA-PRENDERGAST-18-19.docx” SHELLINA-PRENDERGAST-18-19.docx – Downloaded 1701 times – 191.74 KB

‘White Post’ is back!

Its good to see that ‘White Post’ has returned. The new post was put back recently and in a traditional style. No longer will finding the turn-off be so difficult in misty weather. Thanks to Hollingbourne Parish Council and Shellina Prendergast, our County Councillor for bringing it back.

Monthly Newsletter for June from Patrik Garten, our MBC Ward Councillor

Patrik writes a regular column in his own inimitable style! He is a great supporter of Wormshill and has funded new water heaters to the village hall. Read all about what he and MBC have been doing in his download

Download “councillor-column-190531-Wormshill.doc” councillor-column-190531-Wormshill.doc – Downloaded 1743 times – 53.50 KB

Erection of poultry shed and mobile home in AoNB off Park Lane, Wormshill

I mentioned at the Annual Village Meeting that this application had been successfully defeated but we needed to keep a close eye if it came back. At the very time I was preparing for the meeting I was also receiving an email (which I didn’t pick up until later that evening) from Maidstone BC for a new application.

The new application ((19/500736/FULL) is for the ‘Erection of a poultry shed and associated storage barn with mobile home for the establishment of an organic egg enterprise’ is in much the same area off Park Lane. However, it appears to be very much larger than the original application (6,000 rather than 2,000 hens) and so the original concerns with matters such as vermin and heavy lorries down the road to Wormshill and then Park Lane will be even worse.

If you wish to make comments on the application, you have until 5pm on Tuesday 16th April to make them. If you commented previously, please review your letter in view of the changes in the new plan in case you need to update your comments.

Patrik Garten, our MBC Ward councillor has said he has already called the application for decision by the Planning Committee rather than being decided under delegated powers by Council Officers.


Winter Warmer lunch for older residents

Sunday 20th January saw a ‘Winter Warmer’ lunch event held at the Village Hall, predominantly for older residents of the village.  We had 18 altogether of whom 12 were the older villagers we were aiming at. We would have had more but a few had to drop out due to illness, which is not altogether a surprise given that this we held it in January.

The event was held at this time of the year as January is often a cold and quiet time of the year after the excitement and bustle of Christmas. Feedback was very positive with people really appreciating the opportunity to have a chat and a nice meal – which is what we were looking to achieve from the event.

Thanks to everyone who was involved in cooking / chatting or helping in any way and to the Shornden Charity for helping fund the event. We had mulled wine, an excellent cottage pie as well as a selection of desserts and cheese, We will think about next year and if so it will be advertised in the normal way – the Parish magazine, the village notice board opposite the phone box and word of mouth.



Wormshill Play Area – grant received from Maidstone Council

Last year Maidstone Borough Council invited bids for a share of a £200k pot they had set aside for play areas they saw as important across the Borough. We were successful in our bid for £7k to fence off the play area with a picket fence, landscape the back of it as well and buy a new piece of play equipment. The money was received shortly before Christmas and will be used over the next few months depending on the weather. Peter Allchin will do the fencing and landscape works and will generously do some of the work at cost. Once done, we should have a safer play area for young children to play in as well as an extended range of activities.

Our thanks to Maidstone Borough Council for funding this and Peter for carrying out the works over the next few months.

The work must be done by 30th June 2019.


Kent Rural police update – September 2018

Here is the latest update from Kent Police regarding rural crimes.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Crag Report September 2018″]

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