James Pearce

Author's posts

First Fibre Broadband Goes Live

The first home has today been connected to the new fibre broadband service!

Waste Collections Update

Dear Residents I hope that you are keeping well during this weather. Most bins in the North Downs are being collected on Thursdays and with any luck the temperatures will return to something more normal. However, there may still be some legacy disruption to our waste collections due to the extremely hot weather at present. …

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Monthly Newsletter from our Ward MBC Councillor

Our Ward MBC Councillor Patrik Garten considers electoral boundary changes and brings news of wine tasting events.

Broadband Project Remains On-Track

An update from OpenReach this morning has confirmed that the fibre-broadband project remains on track and should be finished by March or April 2023. OpenReach have been more visible in the villages recently undertaking survey work (and of course tending to the never-ending problems with the old copper lines) and will likely start the engineering …

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Alternatives to Oil for Central Heating

Most of the homes in Wormshill are heated with a combination of oil powered boilers and log-burning stoves. For many period properties, this is currently the only real option. Newer homes with better insulation can however move to a renewable energy system and Government funding to do so has been extended until 31-Mar-22. This funding …

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